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Inspection and CM Services
George Sellars Bridge Widening project between 2009 and 2011. Our Inspectors provided safety and construction inspections during the bike and pedestrian widening. A temporary crossing was installed for the contractor to cross the tracks with their equipment as there was no other access to reinforce the riverside pier of the bridge. This project was constructed with no Railroad construction issues.

Icicle Station in Leavenworth, WA. City of Leavenworth constructed their only Railroad Station that allowed for Amtrak to stop once a day. This platform was built with shelter and became a challenge for the contractor as they had to install heating coils in the platform and a heater in the shelter.

Spokane Street Widening Project. The contractor widened the Overpass over BNSF main tracks and yard tracks in the south end. This project lasted between 2010 and 2013. Due to such a complex of a project, our inspectors had to request the contractor few changes of their construction plans on behalf of BNSF, as the new construction did not meet BNSF construction guidelines.

Step Toe BNSF Bridge Installation in Kennewick, WA. BNSF and City of Kennewick shared forces to construct an underpass to allow residents to reach the main road without having to drive around to the next rr crossing. BNSF Structures department installed a second bridge while the city excavated and upgraded the road below.